Look Your Best

Hand Rejuvenation

You may remember to protect your face from the sun, but its damaging UV rays can also affect your hands. Aging skin and dark spots on your hands can give away your age. Dr. Low uses the Icon™ laser to revitalize skin on the hands, chest and face. Laser treatments are fast and have few side effects. Patients can look younger without any downtime.

How Do Laser Brown Spot Treatments Work?

The Icon’s optimized light pulses improve some of the most common skin complaints with safe laser energy. The body’s immune system works to break down pigment and fade unwanted brown spots on the hands. Icon photofacial treatments are safe for most skin types and can help you look younger!

What to Expect During Icon IPL Treatments

IPL treatments only last about 30 minutes. More than one session may be recommended to achieve the best results. The side effects are minor and typically include a sunburn-like sensation, but are not considered painful. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities immediately following in-office treatments.

You can look your best with Icon laser brown spot treatments! Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

Hand Rejuvenation Results*

*Individual results may vary